Thursday, April 23, 2009

Party Looting Etiquette

There are many ways for a party to share the loot, and the one you chose should fit the party's needs. Here are the options available to the party leader.

Round Robin : The most common way. Everyone takes turns in looting. It is your turn to loot again when everyone has taken their turn in that round. If a player leaves some or all of the loot, anyone in the party may grab the loot.
Free-For-All : This setting allows anyone in the party to loot any corpse. This option is useful if no one cares who gets the loot, or how often any one person gets the loot.

Master Looter : This setting allows the group leader to loot everything and decide who will receive each item at a later time. This is useful when very powerful items are dropping and people can't be trusted to pass them out fairly. Any time an item is distributed using the Master Looter system and the item is quality epic or above there will be a confirmation dialogue to confirm that the item is going to the correct person.
In Master Loot mode, all players in the group will see sparkles on corpses that have loot above the master loot threshold. This lets everyone see what the master loot items are, though they cannot interact with them. Only the master looter will be able to loot them.

Group Loot (default) : When an item equal to or above the threshold (details on threshold below) is on a monster that is killed, everyone gets a pop-up box on their screen with the item and pass or roll options and a timer. Anyone who rolls, displays a number from 1 to 100, the highest roller of all those who choose to roll automatically gets the item. Anyone who waits until the timer expires automatically passes. To roll all you have to to is open a chat window and type in /roll, then press enter. You number will show up in the chat dialog.
Items below the threshold are taken care of by normal round robin rules. If the loot roll is a tie a random player will receive the loot.
An interface option, "Detailed Loot Information" is defaulted to 'on.' If you turn it off you will only see the roll and Need/Greed option of the player who won the item rather than information for every player.

Need Before Greed : Same as group loot, except players who cannot use the item automatically pass.

Threshold : This determines the level of items that are affected by the methods above. If a party wants to set the threshold to blue items and are in group loot mode, then green items that are found will be taken care of by the normal round robin rules.

Tip: When a party member receives a loot item, why not give to the party member that can use it best?

The Need Before Greed and Group Loot countdown timers are set on a 3 minute countdown when there is a bind on pick-up loot item. The Group Loot/Need before Greed dialogue will show a golden dragon border around Bind on Pickup items.

Players can opt out of looting for group loot, round robin and need before greed looting styles. If a player turns this on, they will not get a looting turn. This can be turned on by right-clicking on your own portrait.

When an item drops that you cannot loot for whatever reason, you will get a chat message letting you know what the item is that you are passing on.

If a player is looting a corpse and there are one or more items on it that player cannot loot, the player will still be able to see those items, although not able to loot them. This is only for green or better quality items.
Corpses that belong to someone in your party, but that you cannot loot will say in the corpse mouseover who has loot rights on that corpse.

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